About Us
Our general outpatient clinic, Link mediclinic is attached to Link pharmacy and is conveniently accessible to the community it serves.
Opening Hours
- Mon - Fri 9AM - 7PM
- Saturdays 9AM - 6PM
- Sun & Public Holidays 10AM - 3PM
Contact Us
- mediclinic.pinnacle@linkpharmacy.co.zm
+260 976 255 557
- +260 211 261 026
- Shop 28, Pinnacle Mall, Corner Chindo & Mutandwa roads, Lusaka, Zambia
Our Services
Here are the services we offer
Blood pressure monitoring
We will assist you with any health concerns and in room procedures including ear wax irrigation & ECGs.
Telehealth consultations
Consult with a doctor or nurse virtually, via telephone or video, and receive tailored medical advice for your health concerns.
Preventative care, health education & advice
Receive tailored advice on stopping smoking, weight management and more.
Disease Counselling & Health Education
Receive advice on long-term management of your asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and more.
Medicals & physical health checks Get a physical
assessment for employment, insurance policy or other purposes.
When you travel abroad, you may be exposed to diseases you haven’t come across before. Our travel clinic helps assess your risk of contracting these diseases and will advise on precautions to take as well as which vaccinations and medications will assist in protecting you.
Stop Smoking
Have your blood sugar tested to allow you to manage your diabetes. Find out what foods to eat to control high blood sugar levels.
Weight Counselling
We offer female health assessments including breast examinations, pregnancy tests, cervical smears and other health screening tests. We also offer administration of contraceptive injections.
Blood pressure monitoring
You will be able to manage arterial blood pressure levels and understand your readings.
Wound care services
We will assist you in managing simple burns and wounds (including suture removal).